Cool Azul Ice Bandanas can help you reach your goals!
There's been a lot of recent studies around the use of cooling products in endurance sports. One of our favorite articles comes from David Roche, featured in Trail Runner Magazine.
"Studies show that reducing body temperature may improve performance even in relatively temperate conditions. We’ve known that physiology for a long time, but it wasn’t until recently that athletes started making cooling techniques a top priority. All around the world, in all different sports, there is something big happening. We are witnessing a cooling revolution."
David also mentions that "Cooling improves speed, reduces DNF rates, and likely reduces the incidence of negative health outcomes." You can read David's entire article at trailrunnermag.com here.
Let our Cool Azul Ice Bandanas help you reach your goals. If you have a race coming up, or just want to see improvements in your training we recommend trying out our bandanas. We hope you love them as much as we do! Stay cool!